
The school has at present three computerized modern and impressive libraries, with 29033  books and subscribing to 65 magazines, to stimulate the reading habits in children and cater to the needs of students from Class I to XII.  A lot of emphasis is laid on the inculcation of the habit of good reading and therefore the three libraries cater to the needs of students.

Class I – IV      Junior Library
Class V- VIII    Middle Library
Class X – XII    Senior Library

Books are regularly issued to the students.  Apart from this, all the class rooms have a class library which is maintained and managed by the students themselves to enrich their reading experience.  Libraries are well stocked with an extensive collection of books, reference books, encyclopedias, magazines and journals which are of the appropriate level for students and fuel the students’ minds and provide valuable research material.  The librarians supervise the students’ use of the library.