
Started in 1992, the school follows a value based learning by doing method, the parameters of which are set within CBSE guidelines and curriculum. Students learn in a variety of ways and to provide ample opportunity to the students to grow up into honest, adaptable, reliable, efficient, resourceful, virtuous, spiritual, dependable and balanced Indian Citizens, the curriculum is laced up with various tasks / group activities designed at overall grooming of the child personality along with concept building.

Since children learn more by doing and seeing rather than by only listening, the class room teaching is supplemented by smart class, a computer based concept where children experience knowledge first hand. Sports and physical activities form an integral part of the school curriculum where the children are encouraged to choose specific sports and hone their skills in the sports of their choice.

Annual Sports Day Meet gives an opportunity to all students to showcase their talents.

Students are encouraged to develop their skills through activities like Yoga, Music, Dance, Drama, Art & Craft, Quiz Club, Eco Club which have been woven into the schedule of the regular curriculum.

Students are taught the value of good food and healthy eating habits. This is encouraged by ensuring that students eat fruits in the fruit break at around 10:00 a.m. and have proper lunch during lunch break at about 11:30a.m.  Students are given freedom and space to grow but are taught self discipline by enforcing that they follow rules for their benefit.

The academic approach has essentials of Integrated Learning through projects on:
Value based learning
Learning by doing
Individualized Instruction strategy
Multiple Intelligence Approach
Retention through Smart class
Objective based

The Programme of Evaluation in various curricular areas is as under:

Objective-based: aiming at the specific objective of the scheme of studies.
Comprehensive: providing for a coverage of all the objectives.
Continuous: ensuring that there is no loss of time in getting the feed back about the progress of students; and
Dynamic: being completely integrated with teaching.