Scheme of Examinations and Promotion Rules.


Note: Subject to change anytime of the year as per latest CBSE guidelines.

Examinations are an integral part of the educational process.  Evaluation is continuous and reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the learners frequently so that learners have better opportunity to understand and improve themselves.  Our examination system and promotion rules are consistent with the concept of evaluation developed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and the policy envisaged by the Central Board of Secondary Education.  The details about the system are as follows:

  1. The Programme of Evaluation in various curricular areas is as under:
  1. Objective – based –  aiming at the specific objective of the scheme of studies.
  2. Comprehensive –  providing for coverage of all the objectives.
  3. Continuous  –  ensuring that there is no loss of time in getting the feedback about the progress of students.
  4. Dynamic – being completely integrated with teaching.


  1.  Continuous Evaluation (Classes I to V)

In conformity with the new evaluation scheme suggested by the CBSE and in order to   provide a stress free environment to the students in the primary sections of the school, we have no formal examination system.

  1. a)Three cycles of weekly tests will be conducted for classes I and II.
  2. b) Three cycles of weekly tests will be conducted for classes III – V.
  3. c)The profile of the students will be reflected on a five point scale.  The absolute marks will be converted into grades in academic assessment.
  4. d)A minimum of ‘C’ grade will be required for promotion to the next higher class.
  5. Academic Assessment (Classes VI – IX) 

The academic year is divided into TWO TERMS –Term I and Term II. The assessment will be done in scholastic and co-scholastic aspects. Scholastic aspects will be subject specific areas whereas co – scholastic aspects will include co – scholastic activities for the holistic development of the student.

The assessment structure will be as follows:

Scholastic Areas:

Each Term will have one cycle of Periodic Test, Enrichment Activity, Check on Notebook Submission and Term End Examination. The weightage given to various tests/ examinations will be as follows:

Each Term will consist of

Periodic tests                                                                                      10%

Subject Enrichment Activity                                                                5%

Notebook submission, assignments and neatness                              5%

Term Examination                                                                       80 marks

                                                                                                Total –    100 marks

In Second Term Examination, in each subject for:

Class VI:   10% of First Term and entire syllabus of Second Term.

Class VII:  20% of First Term and entire syllabus of Second Term.

Class VIII: 30% of First Term and entire syllabus of Second Term.

Class IX:    entire syllabus of First and Second Term.

The performance of the student in Scholastic area will be assessed using conventional numerical marking mode and the same will be later converted into grades using a nine point grading scale for individual subjects. Co-Scholastic activities and Discipline will however be graded on a 5 point grading Scale (A – E).

Co-Scholastic activities will include Work Education, Art Education and Health & Physical Education. Discipline will be assessed on Attendance, Sincerity, Behaviour and Values.

Classes X, XI and XII

The year will be divided into two terms. Periodic tests will be conducted in each term. Mock /  Pre – Board examination will be administered in Classes X and XII to give the students practice in taking examinations of the whole course on the Board pattern. The number of papers and marks for each will be the same as in the Board Examination.


No student is generally eligible to appear in the Annual Examination who has not put in at least 75% of the actual attendance during the session as per the school calendar.

Promotion Criteria

The school follows the promotion criteria as specified by the Central Board of Secondary Education.

Promotion cannot be claimed as a matter of right but is made on the basis of the cumulative result of periodic tests, subject enrichment activities and the Term end examination.

  1. a)A student has to score 40% marks in each subject to qualify for promotion to the next higher class.
    b)The decision of the school authorities regarding promotion is final and binding on the parents/ guardians.
    c) No student is given double promotion.

Home work Assignment

A series of home based activities are devised for students in the form of worksheets, assignment, projects, interactive discussions, debates and presentations so that along with education at school there is reiteration through homework. A proper homework schedule is provided that ensures that the child is not over burdened at any stage.

Parent Teacher Meeting

Parents and teachers constitute two strong pillars that shape the future of students. Every month, to discuss about the progress and development of the child, Parent Teacher Meetings are held as per the specified schedule:

Classes LKG to V         –       First Saturday
Classes VI to XII          –       Fourth Saturday
The student accompanying the parents to these meetings should be in proper school uniform.