Holidays Homework Assignments

Academics: Home work Assignment

A series of home based activities are devised for students in the form of worksheets, assignment, projects, interactive discussions, debates and presentations so that along with education at school there is reiteration through homework. A proper homework schedule is provided that ensures that the child is not over burdened at any stage.

No amount of study is worthwhile without proper recapitulation. With that in mind, a series ofhome based activities are devised for students in the form of worksheets, assignment, projects, interactive discussions, debatesand presentations so that along with education at school there is reiteration through homework. A proper homework schedule is provided that ensures that the child is notover burdened at any stage.

Download Holiday Homework Assignments 2020

Class 3 Holidays Homework Assignment
Class 4 Holidays Homework Assignment
Class 5 Holidays Homework Assignment
Class 6 Holidays Homework Assignment
Class 7 Holidays Homework Assignment
Class 8 Holidays Homework Assignment
Class 9 Holidays Homework Assignment
Class 10 Holidays Homework Assignment
Class 11 Holidays Homework Assignment
Class 12 Holidays Homework Assignment